Windows XP

New computers running Windows XP, or any computer running Windows XP with Service Pack 3 may encounter the following error when accessing the Web Desk login page:

This error occurs because the Microsoft Remote Desktop Active-X control is disabled by default in this version of Windows XP. Please follow these steps to enable the control:

1.  With Internet Explorer open, select Tools \ Manage Add-ons \ Enable or Disable Addons.

2.  The list of installed add-ons appears. Look in the Disabled section for the Microsoft RDP Client Control (shown highlighted below). Highlight the Microsoft RDP Client Control and click the ‘Enable’ option box in the lower portion of the screen.

3.  After enabling the Microsoft RDP Client Control, it will appear in the lower list with the other enabled controls. Click OK to close the Manage Add-Ons screen.

4.  Follow the Web Page Login steps to login to the WebDesk.