Calyx Point

The process of transferring files from Calyx Point uses the WebDesk Extractor utility. Please see ‘Installing the WebDesk Extractor Utility’ for steps to install the utility before proceeding. Once that is done, use these steps to transfer the data from Point:

1.  Open the WebDesk Extractor icon  on your local Desktop.

2.  Click the ‘Read Data From’ field, and select the Point folder you want to transfer files from.

·      Note: Each Point folder is listed twice; once for Borrowers and once for Prospects. Be sure to select the Borrowers or Prospects copy of the folder based on which of the two you need to transfer.

3.  Click ‘Export Data’, and then click Yes to proceed with the transfer.

4.  When a message appears indicating that the files are ready for upload, click Ok. Close the WebDesk Extractor window.

5.  Login to the WebDesk with the option to access local drives enabled.

6.  Open Mortgage Quest, and click the Import icon.

7.  Select ‘Point Borrowers’ or ‘Point Prospects’ on the ‘Read Data From’ field. Your selection should be consistent with what was exported (borrowers vs. prospects).

8.  If the data folder that was exported from Point contains only the records you want to import, please go to step 9. Otherwise, if the data folder that was exported from Point includes records that belong to loan officers other than the loan officer you want to import, then you will want to map the loan officer IDs to import just the records that belong to the loan officer in Mortgage Quest. In this case follow this procedure to map the loan officer ID:

·      Click the ‘Map Loan Officer IDs’ button.

·      Use the screen that appears to match the Mortgage Quest user you want to import the data for with their loan rep name in Point, and then click Map. If you are importing for multiple loan officers, be sure to map each loan officer as much as possible.

·      After mapping the loan officer IDs, the mapping results should appear at the bottom. Click Close to return to the import screen.

9.  Click the ‘Mortgage Quest User’ field and select the loan officer you want to import data for. If you are importing data for multiple loan officers, and you were able to create mappings for each loan officer, select the ‘All Loan Officers’ value instead of an individual loan officer.

10. Click ‘Read Borrowers’, and then click Yes to proceed with the import.

11. Click Yes when prompted to preview imported records.

12. On the import preview screen that appears, review the records displayed to verify the correct data is being imported. Note there is an Action column (on the left) that allows you to determine if a record is being added to Mortgage Quest or updated. You can deselect records that you do not want to import. Once you are done reviewing the data, click Import to complete the import. Note: if you do not want the records imported, click Cancel.

13. Mortgage Quest will complete the import and indicate how many records were added or updated. You also have the option to print a report of the import results.
Many of the steps above are one time steps. For subsequent imports, use these consolidated steps:

·      Open the WebDesk Extractor, click ‘Export Data’ and follow the prompts.

·      Login to the Webdesk, open Mortgage Quest, and go to the Importing screen.

·      Make sure the ‘Read Data From’ and ‘Mortgage Quest User’ fields are set correctly, click ‘Read Borrowers’ and follow the prompts to complete the import.