Customers Database Overview

The Customers database contains your prospect and past customer information.

·      Customers – general information, names, addresses, telephone numbers and status.

·      Notes – general notes about the customer.

·      Outlook Activities – When the Outlook interface module is enabled, the Activities screen shows all Outlook appointments and tasks from within Market Quest.

·      Marketing – marketing and lead information, such as customer goals, desired interest rate, referral lead and referral source.

·      Personal Info – demographic information, such as employment, marital status, income, debts, birthdays and anniversaries.

·      Interests – indicates special interests, which can be used to send special interest letters.

·      Custom – contains fields that you define to contain any information.

·      Records List – Shows a list of customers on the left side of the screen. Double click on a person and Market Quest displays the record.

To select the Customers database, click.


Customer Main Screen

Customer Lists

Notes Screen

Outlook Activities Screen

Personal Info Screen

Interests Screen

Custom Screen