The Multi-User Enterprise system makes it possible for a branch office to coordinate all marketing and customer service activities through one integrated program. This gives your entire office the competitive advantage to increase business and provide exceptional customer service. With all the powerful features of the single user version, the multi-user program is designed for a local area network. However, if you don’t have a network, the program can be used on a standalone computer where an assistant can coordinate marketing activities for all sales reps.
The Multi-User Enterprise system has the following benefits:
Coordinates Marketing
Since all data is contained in one database, it’s easy to create marketing campaigns for all sales reps. When Market Quest prints letters, it sorts by sales rep and writes the name of the sales rep on the letter. It can also select the sales rep’s scanned signature and photo if available. This dramatically improves productivity and increases profits because sales reps will have more time to generate business and service customers more efficiently.
Simplifies Sales Management
The Multi-User Enterprise system contains a centralized database for all sales reps, allowing you to track your business more effectively. You can run reports on all data to get the big picture or create reports by individual sales rep. Everything you need to know about your sales activity is in one central location.
Improves Quality Control
Market Quest has many features, which can be customized to meet your particular needs. For example, you can edit or create marketing letters and reports. Market Quest Multi-User version improves quality because once these modifications are made, they can be used by all sales reps. Now you can be sure that all customer correspondence is of the highest quality and is used consistently by all sales reps.