Exporting Customers and Contacts

Market Quest allows you to export customer and contact information to data files in various formats. Typically, you export data to a file that is then imported and used in a different program, such as Excel or a loan processing system. You can select any Market Quest database field to export, including custom fields. However, you cannot export customer or contact notes.

To create an export report:

1.  Select File \ Export.

2.  Select the type of data to export:

·      Customers.

·      Contacts.

·      Customers and contacts.

3.  Select an existing query or create a new query that will select records to export.

4.  Click Report.

5.  Double click on the fields in the left list to move them to the right list. Click Close when finished.

6.  Click Pick Output Type and select type of file to create, such as text with comma-separated fields.

7.  Enter the file name that will contain the exported data. The default is QMF_TEMP. Don’t enter a file extension because this is added by Market Quest based on the file type selected.

8.  Click Close.

9.  Click Run Query to export the data to the file name. Market Quest exports the data to the installation location, such as c:/program files/market focus/market quest.

To edit an export report:

1.  Click Reports / Report Queries.

2.  Select the type of data to export:

·      Customers.

·      Contacts.

·      Customers and contacts.

3.  Select query used to export the data.

4.  Click Report. You can change the following components:

·      Query

·      Output type

·      Exported fields

·      Sort order

5.  Click Run Query to export the data.

To run an export report:

1.  Click Reports / Report Queries.

2.  Select the type of data to export:

·      Customers.

·      Contacts.

·      Customers and contacts.

3.  Select query used to export the data.

4.  Click Report.

5.  Click Run Query.