E-Mail Setup

E-Mail Address

Enter your e-mail address.

SMTP Server

Enter the SMTP Mail Server.

Port Number

Leave the Port Number at 25, unless you know the mail server requires a different number.


SMTP timeout value.

E-Mail Wait

Wait this number of seconds between sending consecutive e-mail. This is useful for throttling e-mail.

Mail Server Requires Authentication

Mark this checkbox if your mail server requires authentication.

·      User Name – Mail server user name

·      Password – Mail server password

·      Authentication Mode – Select the Authentication mode. The most common mode is AUTH LOGIN. If the e-mail test fails, try the CRAM-MD5 mode

Use Outlook for Temporary E-Mail

Use the default Outlook editor when sending temporary e-mail.

Log E-Mail Events

This option is used for analyzing problems with sending e-mail through Market Quest’s SMTP utility.

Send E-Mail to Outlook

Market Quest sends all e-mail to either the Outlook Outbox or in some cases the Outlook Drafts folder, depending on the Outlook options selected. If the option to hold e-mail is selected in Outlook, you may have to click the Outlook Send / Receive button to actually send the e-mail.

Don’t Save E-Mail

When this option is marked, Market Quest creates a copy of all e-mail sent and links them with the customer or contact record. This is useful for creating a history of e-mail sent to people.

Don’t Move from Drafts Folder

If Send E-Mail to Outlook is marked, Market Quest sends e-mail through Outlook to the default folder for Unsent e-mail. If Outlook is configured to save Unsent e-mail in the Drafts folder, Market Quest normally will move the e-mail from the Drafts folder to the Sent Folder. If this option is marked, e-mail will remain in the Drafts folder.

Use SSL E-Mail Server

If your e-mail server requires SSL capabilities, mark this checkbox. Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail e-mail services require SSL.

Send Test E-mail

This button tests the e-mail mail server. It tries to send a test e-mail to Market Focus using the Mail Server information entered above. You must also enter your e-mail address in the User Registration screen.

Show Log

Show the SMTP event log for analyzing errors.