The Contacts database contains information about your non-customers, such as Realtors, builders, escrow agents, attorneys, etc. You may also enter personal contacts and other people you do business with.
You cannot create databases for different types of contacts. For example, you cannot create a separate database just for Realtors. Market Quest has a group field that allows you to group your contacts. The groups can be used to select people for marketing campaigns, viewing and reports.
The Contacts database has many of the same features as described in the Customers database section.
· Contact – general information, names, addresses and telephone numbers and status.
· Personal Info – demographic information, such as marital status, birthdays and anniversaries and spouse information.
· Notes – general notes about the contact.
· Outlook Activities – When the Outlook interface module is enabled, the Outlook Activities screen shows all Outlook appointments and tasks from within Market Quest.
· Interests – indicates special interests, which can be used to send special interest letters.
· Custom – contains fields that you define to contain any information.
To select the Contacts database:
Click the Contacts icon .