Personal Title
Click the list preceding the first name field and highlight the desired title, if any.
First names are spell-checked automatically, and are compared with personal titles to make sure they match. For example, if you select “Mr.” and the first name is “Nancy,” a message appears indicating that the title is male and the first name is female.
The Greeting field is used as the salutation in letters to Contacts. Greetings can be formal or informal. For example, “Dear Mr. Smith” is a formal greeting; “Dear Robert” is an informal greeting. The type of salutation is determined by the style you select. Select Tools/Options and the General tab to set this option. The greeting field is created automatically when you save the record or when you click the Greeting button. You may also type in a different greeting if you prefer.
Company Name
As you enter the company name, Market Quest searches for existing companies and will add the address information as you type. To select the company displayed, press Tab or Enter. When there are no matching companies, the address fields will be blanked. Continue typing the company name and press Tab or Enter when completed. The company information will be added to the list when you enter and save the address information.
To turn off this feature, select Tools / Options and click General. Unmark the Search Company Name box.
All letters are sent to the mailing address. If you want to send letters to the home address, enter the information and mark the box named Mail to Home Address.
When you enter a zip code and the Automatic Zip code feature is enabled, the city and state information is automatically entered. If the zip code is not in the database, you can add the zip code to the list.
You can also enter zip codes into the zip code database through the Modify Lists. Select Tools / Modify Lists.
Phone Numbers
Enter the phone numbers.
Best Time
Select the best time of day to contact this person.
Best Way to Communicate
The checkboxes next to the phone numbers indicate the best way to contact this person. For example, mark the Home checkbox if this person prefers to be contacted at home.
Click E-Mail to create a temporary e-mail message.
This is the registered owner of Market Quest. This list will contain multiple names for the Enterprise system.
Select the appropriate descriptor from the Status List:
· Client: The Contact has a business relationship with you or is in a related parties group.
· Prospect: The Contact is a potential client.
To create additional Status types, select a blank status from the list. Then type the new status value and press Enter.
Sales Stage
Select the sales stage the contact is in the sales cycle.
Select the priority for this contact. Priority can be set to High, Medium or Low.
Mail Status
The Mail Status field allows you to choose whether or not a person will receive letters. If you want a person to receive letters, select Send Letters. If you do not want a person to receive any letters, select Don’t Send Letters.
Select the appropriate title from the list, such as President, Manager, etc. To add additional titles, select a blank title, enter the text and press Enter.
Select the appropriate group from the list to categorize this contact. Groups are used for adding people to campaigns, viewing and creating reports. To add additional groups, select a blank group, enter the text and press Enter.
E-mail Address
Enter the E-mail address for the contact. Click Send to create a temporary e-mail message.
Website Address
Enter the website address for this contact. Clicking Visit starts Microsoft Explorer and visits the web page.
Home Address
Enter the contact’s home address. Click Mail to Home Address and this address is used as the mailing address.
Referral Type
The type of referral partner this contact is.
The number of referrals this contact has given you.
Contacts can be assigned to customers to create a related parties grouping. This field shows the number of customers this contact is assigned to.
Last Campaign
This field shows the name of the last campaign completed for this contact.
Create Date
Market Quest automatically enters the date the Contact record was created. This date is important because it is used to select records by various reports.