Copying Files to the WebDesk

In order to copy files to the WebDesk, you must be logged into the system with the option to access local drives enabled. Follow these steps once you are logged in:

11. Minimize the WebDesk screen so you are viewing the contents of your local desktop.

12. Navigate to the folder location where your data file resides. Click the right mouse button on the file and select Copy.

13. Restore the WebDesk screen.

14. Open the My Documents folder on the desktop of the WebDesk. Select Edit \ Paste.

·      Note: It is normal to encounter a delay when selecting the Edit menu and the Paste command. The amount of delay correlates with the size of the file being uploaded. Larger files take longer to upload.

The process for copying files from the WebDesk is basically the reverse of the steps above. Select a file in the My Documents folder of the WebDesk, select Edit \ Copy. Minimize the screen, go to the folder where you want to put the file and select Edit \ Paste.