Market Focus has an online help desk located at . The online help desk is used for servicing all support inquiries. Login to the help desk using the e-mail address for the primary WebDesk account holder, and use the word password as the password. Once you are logged in, click the Tickets link, and then click to add a ticket. If the person needing help is not the primary account holder, please indicate the name and e-mail address of the person needing help in the additional information section of the ticket. Alternatively, you may contact support by e-mailing, or by calling 800-708-9715. Responses to inquiries submitted outside of the help desk are delayed until someone at Market Focus creates a help ticket from the original inquiry information. When submitting requests outside of the help desk be sure to include the primary account holder’s name, the contact information for the person needing help, and describe the question or problem as succinctly as possible.