Depending on your needs, there are several optional bands you can use in reports:
Title/Summary Band
The Title band contains information that appears before the main report. A report title can be as simple as the name of the report at the top of the first page, or it can be an introductory paragraph or even a cover letter. It’s anything you want to appear on the first page of your report. The information contained in the Title band is printed once for the entire report.
The Summary Band is one or more pages that appear after the main report. It can contain summary information (totals or averages) or text that summarizes the contents of the report. Like the title, it is printed once per report.
To add Title and Summary Bands:
1. Select Report / Title Summary.
2. Mark the Title Band checkbox.
3. If you want the Title to appear on a new page, mark New Page.
4. Mark the Summary checkbox.
5. If you want the Summary to appear on a new page, mark New page.
6. Click OK.
7. The Title and Summary bands are added to the form.
8. Click
the up arrow and drag the band
down to create space for the title page. Add other objects to the page as
described later as needed.
Page Header Band
At the top of each page of the main report is the Page Header band. A page header might include the report title, date, page number, and so on. It will appear on every printed page.
Group Header Band
When the data is grouped, each group can have a group header printed before it. These headers help to identify the information that is contained within each level of grouping.
Detail Band
The Detail band that makes up the report usually contains field information from the databases. The information printed in the Detail band usually comes directly from fields or from calculations performed on fields.
Group Footer Band
When data is grouped, each group can have a group footer printed after it. These footers typically display summaries and/or subtotals of the information that is contained within each level of grouping.
Page Footer Band
At the bottom of each page of the main report is the Page Footer band. Like the page header, the page footer usually contains a combination of fixed and variable data, report name, date, page number, and so on. It can also include summary information (such as totals or averages) for data on that page.