Many Market Quest features allow you to search, sort and group information. These features are important for obtaining information that pertains to your specific marketing goals and objectives. With continued use, your database will grow and you will need to manage many records. You may have 1,000 records in your database, but at times you may be only interested in 10 records, or just one specific record.
Market Quest allows you to define queries to select only certain database records. A query is a conditional statement used to search for records in the database. You use queries for reports, marketing campaigns and creating groups. For example, you may want to create a group of customers who have open loans worth more than $100,000. You create a query to find these records for the group.
Creating queries involves the following steps:
1. Entering a query title. Titles should be descriptive to help you recognize the query at a future time, such as “Prospect Realtors” or “Loans over $100,000.” The new title appears in the list of queries displayed on the screen.
2. Adding a condition. A condition has three parts: field, operator, and comparison value.
a. Field: Database field you want to search. There are different kinds of fields, such as dates, numbers, and text fields. Market Quest searches these fields to determine if the record is retrieved.
b. Operator: The operator is used to compare records, such as greater than, less than, or equal to.
c. Comparison Value: Specifies the values used to find records. Comparison values may be words, numbers, or dates.
3. Adding a Connector. Connectors are either AND or OR. A connector connects two or more conditions together to retrieve records. For example, consider the query: Customers who have loans over $300,000 AND live in San Diego. Both conditions must be true in order to retrieve the record.
4. Adding Conditions and Connectors. To fully specify the records you want to find, a query may need to have more conditions.