Mapping Special Interests to Marketing Campaigns

The Customers and Contacts databases have an Interest screen where you can record areas of interest. This feature allows you to map a specific interest to a marketing campaign. When the interest checkbox is marked in the customer or contact Interest screen, the person will be added to the campaign. Likewise, if the checkbox is unmarked, that person will be removed from the campaign.

If you purchase Special Interests letters from Market Focus, the interest checkbox is automatically mapped to the campaign when it is installed.

If you create your own interest campaigns, this feature allows you to map checkboxes on the Interest screen to your campaign:

To map an interest checkbox to a campaign:

1.  Create the marketing campaign using the Campaign Manager. If you want to add both customers and contacts to the campaign, create a Both type of campaign.

2.  Click Map.

3.  Select Map Customers or Map Contacts interests and click Select.

4.  Select the interest to map from the left list.

5.  Select the campaign from the right list.

6.  Click Map. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to map other interests.

7.  Click Close when finished.