The Internet Backup and Synchronization service enables you to back up your data to Market Focus’ remote Internet site for extra security. All backups are encrypted to further protect your data. This service also provides a method for synchronizing Market Quest data between versions installed on separate computers. For example, you can synchronize data between Market Quest installed at the office and another Market Quest program installed on your computer at home.
To back up your Market Quest data to the Internet:
1. Select File \ Back Up Data to \ Market Focus.
2. A backup file of your data is created and uploaded to the Internet. Market Quest keeps 7 backup files on the server at any given time.
To restore your Market Quest data from the Internet:
1. Select File \ Restore Data From \ Market Focus.
2. A list of backup files on the Internet is displayed. Each backup file has the date and time in the name so you can determine the latest backup.
3. Select the backup file to restore. The file is downloaded to your computer and Market Quest restores the data.
To synchronize your data between multiple Market Quest programs:
1. On Computer 1: Select File \ Synchronize Data \ Back Up for Merging to \ Market Focus. This will create a back up of your Customers and Contacts data only and upload the file to the Market Focus Internet servers.
2. On Computer 2: Select File \ Synchronize Data \ Merge Data from \ Market Focus. The special file created on Computer 1 is downloaded from the Internet server and modified records are updated.
Note: Only modified Customer and Contact records are synchronized. Market Quest does not synchronize marketing campaigns, letters, assignments, and many other features.
Caution: There is a possibility of data loss or some records may not be merged if 2 people modify the same person’s record in 2 different Market Quest programs. The merge feature used the last modified date for each record and determines which is the newest. The newest record overwrites the older record.