General options allow you to customize data entry, styles, and general features.
Capitalize Names
If marked, the first letter of names, companies, and cities will be capitalized automatically. This allows you to enter data without worrying about capitalization.
When entering customer and contact last names, the auto-capitalize feature correctly capitalizes names beginning with Mc, Mac, and O', such as McDonald, MacDonald, and O'Neal. Hyphenated last names are also capitalized correctly, such as Bently-Smith.
When entering company names, such as ABC Realtors, the ABC is not capitalized. Market Quest will not capitalize any part of a company name that is 3 characters or less. In these cases, you need to provide the correct capitalization.
Note: If Market Quest doesn't capitalize a name correctly, press Tab to exit the field. Then click into the field and capitalize the name as needed. Click Save to save the changes.
Automatic Zip Code
If marked, the city and state information will be inserted automatically after entering a zip code. If the zip code is not in the zip code list, you will be asked to add the new zip code to the list.
Search Company Name
If marked, Market Quest searches a company name list as you enter a company name for a new contact record. As you type, matching companies appear and it fills in the address information.
Hide Unused Custom Fields
If marked, all unlabeled custom fields on the Custom screen are hidden. This applies to both customer and contact databases.
Hide Unused Interest Fields
If marked, all unlabeled interest fields on the Interests screen are hidden. This applies to both customer and contact databases.
Show Field and Item Help
If marked, Market Quest displays messages when you place the cursor over fields and other items, such as buttons, icons, etc.
Stationery Cost
Cost of one letter and envelope. This value is used to calculate the mailing costs for the Market Production Report.
Cost of mailing a letter. This value is used to calculate the mailing costs for the Market Production Report.
On Startup
When Market Quest starts, this option determines which database is displayed first. Values include:
· Show Last Used – Displays the last database you were in when you exited the program.
· Show Customers First – Displays the Customers database on startup.
· Show Contacts First – Displays the Contacts database on startup.