E-Card Service

Market Focus’ e-card service gives you another effective way to communicate with everyone in your database easily and consistently.  There are e-cards for each major holiday and for the seasons of the year. In addition, there are several types of birthday e-cards you can send.

Market Focus e-cards have unique features which make them even more powerful and effective:

·      Each e-card has a salutation line, such as Dear William, which personalizes the e-mail.

·      You can add personal messages to each e-card individually or to all e-cards.

·      The birthday e-card is integrated with Market Quest’s birthday reminder so you can e-mail the e-cards on the person’s birthday.

·      A new Market Quest “Holiday” event reminds you to send the appropriate e-card at the appropriate time.


Sending Holiday and Seasonal E-Cards

Sending Birthday E-Cards

Using the E-Card Control Screen

Customizing E-Cards

Sending Single E-Cards