Market Quest allows you to set data entry options for your databases. Select Tools / Options and click the General Tab.
Automatic Capitalization
The Capitalize Names option allows you to enter information without worrying about capitalization.
When entering customer and contact last names, the auto-capitalize feature correctly capitalizes names beginning with Mc, Mac, and O', such as McDonald, MacDonald, and O'Neal. Hyphenated last names are also capitalized correctly, such as Bently-Smith.
When entering company names, such as ABC Realtors, the ABC is not capitalized. Market Quest will not capitalize any part of a company name that is 3 characters or less. In these cases, you need to provide the correct capitalization.
Note: If Market Quest doesn’t capitalize a name correctly, press Tab to leave the field and then click in the field to make changes.
Automatic Zip Code Entry
The Automatic Zip Code option automatically inserts the city and state information when you enter a zip code. Market Quest searches the zip code database for this information. If a zip code is not found, you can add this information into the database for future reference.
Greeting Style
This option allows you to choose between formal and informal greeting styles. Formal greetings use Mr. and Mrs. and the last name. Informal greetings use first names. To change this option, select Tools/Options and click the Printing tab.
Default Transaction Type (Customers)
When creating new customer records, the Default Transaction Type sets the transaction type field to Purchase or Refinance.
Search Company Name
When entering company names for contacts, Market Quest will search for matching names already entered as you type. If you type a new company name the address information is blank. When you enter the address information of the new company and click Save, this company will be added to the search list.