CCustomizing Market Quest Letters

Market Quest has several tools which allow you to apply custom changes to all letters. For example, you can change the page margins or insert letterhead graphics for all letters. The following attributes can be applied to all letters:

·      Resize Photo and Signature Graphics – The height and width of these graphics can be changed.

·      Letter Margins – You can change the left, right, top, and bottom margins.

·      Number of lines – The number of lines between the top of the letter and the date merge field can be modified. This is useful to position each letter for windowed envelopes or to fit each letter to your stationery.

·      Letterhead Graphics – You can select a letterhead graphic and insert it into each letter. The graphic is always positioned at the very top of the letter.

·      Postscript Customization – This feature gives you the option to apply a postscript (P.S. statement) at the end of each letter below your signature.


Changing the Letter Template

Adding P.S. Statements