1. Click New.
2. Enter a title, such as “Loans in 2002 over $270,000” and click OK.
3. Step 1: Pick a Field
· Select the “Loan Amount” field in the list and click Next.
4. Step 2: Pick an Operator
· Click “Greater than”.
5. Step 3: Enter a Value
· Enter the number “270,000” and click Finish.
6. Add a Connector. If you have one condition, connectors are not needed. In our example we have two conditions.
· Click Add.
· Click AND.
7. Pick a Field:
· Select “Close Date” and click Next.
8. Pick Operator: Click “Between Two Dates.”
· Enter Dates:
From: 01/01/09
To: 12/31/09
9. Click Finish.
10. The entire query should appear as follows:
· Loan amount is greater than 270000 AND
· (close date ranges from 01/01/09 to 12/31/09)
11. Click Close to save the query and return to the Customer queries window.
12. Highlight the query title and click Select to set the group view.
13. The group should show at least the two records entered earlier in this tutorial. Delete these two records when you are finished with the tutorial.
14. Select Group / Clear Group to show all records.