Communicating with the Related Parties Group

This feature allows you to send an e-mail or print a letter to everyone involved with the customer or transacation.

Only customer type letters can be emailed to the group. Also everyone in the group will receive the same e-mail or letter. Therefore, letters should be written so they are appropriate for the different types of people involved, such as listing agents, selling agents, sellers, customer, etc.

To send an e-mail or letter:

1.  Go to the customer record.

2.  Select File / Send / Letter or Email to Related Parties..

3.  Select the letter or e-mail to send..

4.  A list of people involved with the loan is displayed. See below.

5.  If you do not want a person to receive the letter, unmark the checkbox.

6.  Click Send.




·      Select All – Selects everyone in the list..

·      Select None – Unmark all checkboxes.

·      Send – Send the letter or e-mail to everyone selected..

·      Edit – Edit the letter in Word.

·      Subject – Edit the subject line of the e-mail to be sent.