The Chart Section of the dashboard shows charts generated from records selected by the filter applied in the Upper Section. There are three categories of charts that can be displayed: Leads, Pipeline and Production. The Show Charts list in the Upper Section determines which type of charts is displayed.
All charts can show the number of files or the total dollar amount, as specified in the Upper Section. Also, click on a chart to increase or decrease the size of the chart.
· Lead Charts – The Lead Charts show you where your leads are coming from and what sales stage they are in.
o Lead Source Chart – Summarizes data from the Lead Source field in the Marketing tab.
o Lead Type Chart – Summarizes data from the Transaction field in the main customer screen.
o Sales Stage – Summarizes data from the Sales Stage field in the main customer screen.
· Market Segments – The Market Segment Charts show records divided into various market segments.
o Groups – Summarizes data from the Group field in the main customer screen.
o Accounts – Summarizes data from the Accounts field on the main customer screen.
o Pipeline – Summarizes data from the Pipeline field on the main customer screen.
· Production Charts – The Production Charts show key performance indicators related to the applications taken, funded and by lead source.
o Close Ratio – The Close Ratio is determined by values in the Pipeline field on the main customer screen. The ratio is calculated by the number of sales divided by the total leads.
o Close Ratio by Account – Same as the close ratio but further segmented by account.
o Close Ratio (Lead Source) – Same as the other close ratios but segmented by lead source.