This newsletter is compliments of:

Kevin Ungar
Loan Specialist


Don Everett
Licensed Associate
RE Broker



Thought of the Month
"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb."
- Nelson Mandela

Is a Home Warranty Worth It?

A renewable service contract, the typical home warranty covers at least a portion of the costs of repair or replacement of covered items within a home. Depending on the level of coverage selected, you may pay as much as $500 annually. Is a home warranty worth the costs ...more

Simple Changes for a Green Home

Kermit the Frog once said "It's not easy being green," a statement many mistakenly believe applies to green living practices as well. If you're one of them, you couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, there are many simple, eco-friendly changes you can make in your home that will really make a difference ...more

Should You Use Debit or Credit?

"Will that be debit or credit?" It's a question to which there is no single correct answer. For some people in some situations, debit will be better, for others, credit is the right choice... more

Don't Miss These Medical Exams

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, health insurers are now required to cover preventative care services-like prostate exams for men and mammograms for women-fully. This means you have no reason to skip a visit with your doctor... more

Become a Human Lie Detector

Consider these five signs experts say indicate you may be dealing with a fibber ...more

Why 65 is Too Young to Retire

Once upon a time, 65 was the perfect age to retire from one's career. That time has passed. According to a 2013 Gallup survey, 76 percent of employees plan to continue working past this traditional retirement age. Of those, 40 percent will continue working because they want to. Thirty-five percent will do so because they have to. Consider these reasons why you might want to delay your golden years a little longer as well... more

Childproof Your Technology

While technology can expand your child's world, it also can expose them to less than savory elements of it as well. Consider the following tips to childproof your tech ...more

Crockpot Chicken Tacos

What's better than coming home after a long day of work? Coming home to a delicious taco dinner with little prep required. Just pop chicken into a crockpot in the morning, shred some lettuce and cheese and you're done ...more


This newsletter is compliments of:

Kevin Ungar
Loan Specialist


Don Everett
Licensed Associate
RE Broker
